Reviews For The Christmas Note

Name: SonixShadx (Signed) · Date: September 28, 2013 8:30 AM · For: Christmas
This story was really good! It wasn't quite what I expected, unfortunately... I'd say it was slightly, well....rushed... There were no more cute Sonadow moments, but I guess that's what was intended... The last chapter was the best. I liked the ending, it was sad and cheery all at the same time... I liked what you did there, good job :)

Name: shadowxsonicforever (Signed) · Date: July 02, 2011 12:01 AM · For: Christmas

Why is it mistletoe is most fun to play with at christmas time????

Author's Response: It's most recognized for being used at that time of year. Look more into it if you're seriously considering an answer to that. Otherwise, I don't know. ha-ha.

Name: Shadow (Signed) · Date: January 05, 2011 9:42 AM · For: Christmas
I really have mixed feelings about this one. This PROBABLY would of done best without the second chapter, as the second chapter actually brings out a negative effect in the spirit of Christmas.

My advice would be either to rewrite the second chapter or just delete it period as it does nothing to justify the sweetness that chapter one brought. 2 and a half stars until Chapter 2 is resolved.

Author's Response: It was supposed to be negative in the end. However, if you really think i should remove it, I guess I can. I might rewrite it if i can think of something else.

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