Reviews For blue

Name: Rusetassle (Signed) · Date: June 19, 2006 4:30 PM · For: Chapter 10
oh i see now ^.^' i don't want shadow to go back yet :( he should spend the night wth sonic xD and hopefully it will not be disturbed ;D haha, i can only wish though :P

Author's Response: who said they weren't going to?? *shifts eyes around room* heh

Name: Rusetassle (Signed) · Date: June 19, 2006 3:34 PM · For: Chapter 10
^.^ mwhaha i love amy abuse... it just makes sonadow more funnier. I still don't get how shadow's quills were sticking out though :S what postion was he in for them to stick out? @.@ oh well, its still a Great story xD

Author's Response: he was under a short bed, so his quills were brushing along the bottom, sprawled out all over. That's how the tip of a few were sticking out. ^^

Name: ShadowCats16 (Signed) · Date: June 19, 2006 12:55 PM · For: Chapter 10
Awsome, its cool and its great that you also keep up with your other stories too! Great job

Author's Response: i'm working on one of them ATM, so don't worry! ^^

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