*smooches* Another masterpiece of humor. (And gore, forgot to mention that last time....) I am not a huge fan of drinking Sonic and Shadow, but I can't complain, I may have to do it in Set Me Free. (I need to take down a review speaking of that nonsense....) Another good chapter. And I might update one of these days. (My wrinting ability flew out the window recently. Shit... I spilled my Coke.)
Author's Response: Yeah, I was never good at drunk scenes. I don't know how to make them talk.... I hope you update some time!
I laughed, I cried, (Fursona: That is a lie!), but mostly I laughed (Fursona: He pissed his pants.) And I must say this made the disclaimer worth reading:
"I'm mad at you, Sega. So, in conclusion, I do not own Sonic, (though I plan to work at Sega). "
(Fursona: I wonder if realizes half his review should be cited to Takashi.)
*Goes into backwork of review....with chainsaw...*
*Hangs sign: "Now hiring Fursona's."*
Author's Response: Finally, someone gets it. And oh dear.... Take Tachar! He'll fill the place! Please take my stupid muse! PLEASE!!!!!!!
"So THAT was the couch. Hm, at first, he mistook it for a piece of junk someone asked Sonic to take off their hands."
Greatest line ever....
Oops, I take THAT back. This is the greatest line ever:
The hedgehog gazed at his ruined furniture proudly. "Yup, it's the most modern thing here. . ."
I think I love you.... (j/k, of course.)
Author's Response: Oh, that line.... Yeah, I had that in my comic series.... Thanks for reviewing! You have renewed my hope for starting the 12th chap!
Okay, since someone might call "favoritism" in my reviews, I'll talk about something constructive for you. please find a better way to switch seens than a line of "*****" Okay, enough complaining...Loving the chapters! Keep'em coming. (And if it makes you feel better, in high school, freshman year, I was one of those H Alg. weinees. My grade on first quarter progress reports was an A (96 I think...) My teacher left for medical reasons. Her substitute was such a bad teacher, my grade was an 83 by the end of the quarter. (I almost flunked every test.) When my teacher came back at second quarter progress reports, the class average was a 72, and I had a 61... My parents were pissed........)
Author's Response: Man, I feel way better now. ^^ But what should I do? I tried dots once....
I....laughed....so....much. Shadow's train of thought is the greatest idea EVER!!! Oh, and before I forget. You got "Pooky" from Garfield right? (Is the "Ring Pool" From Archie? I don't get to read the comic often.) This chapter is starting to really get that plot in there. I am happy you *finally* added a REAL plot. (And you already wrote the story, so I knew I couldn't yell at you for lack of it. But...so...funny...)
Now, I continue read.
Author's Response: ...Yes, Pooky was from Garfield, and the Ring Pool actually came from Sonic SATAM.
"(Damn traffic signs. Think they're so high and mighty. I showed them.) . . . (like traffic signs)"
Greatest sequence of thought ever.
BTW, this is an adult only site, so you don't HAVE to edit curses. You can, but not neccesary.
Author's Response: I don't like to curse much. That's one of the main reasons why I edit my cursing.
YES LONGERNESS! Keep this up and you will really make me take more than a minute to read! (A whole minute of enjoyment though!)
Since you mention it, I have to comment; Shadow has been reviewing a lot lately. (Which is awesome. I love his art work too...! Does he write stories?)
Anyway, back to the reading of goodness....
Author's Response: Oh course, and only awesome stuff. XD I have no idea why, but I have to read those stories over and over again. And this story is not goodness, it's me feeding an 11 year old candy to come up with names for the next story I write. HA HA! Stupid keed. And thanks for reviewing. ^^
I enjoy the power ring transport system idea. Intersting....
Author's Response: Thank yas. ^^
Um, I love the start. I like the letter, but could this have been longer? Please? This is really good. Well, except the in story note. (I hate those, oh wait, this is a mid quote note....hehe!)
Keep going Takashi! (I know where you got that!!)
Author's Response: Thank you.
awwww how sad
Author's Response: O.o That was fast. Yes, I was crying myself. Poor, poor Sonikku.... My poor, poor brain..... Thank you for reviewing (6 minutes after I posted it)!
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