
Name: FallenBlackWings (Signed) · Date: February 22, 2008 12:41 AM · For: Chapter 3-Is he dead?
Oh my god! It's sad to read this, I hope sonic survives. Awesome story so far. Great storyline too. Can't wait to see what happens next.

Name: lebell32 (Signed) · Date: January 04, 2008 11:07 PM · For: Chapter 3-Is he dead?
omg poor sonic i hope he gets better plz continue

Name: Takashi the hedgehog (Signed) · Date: January 02, 2008 3:23 PM · For: Chapter 3-Is he dead?
First off, you use way too many ellipses. USE COMMAS. Mainly grammar mistakes. There is no period after and exclamation. And, you should not use exclamations in narration at most times. Also, hit that long button after a sentence, yeah, that space bar, there. About those * * things, too. Don't use them. With the *gasp* thing, you could just say, 'He gasped.' Not too hard.
Spelling errors: induries- injuries, cheack- check.
This is an improvement, though. I'm quite glad. Not exactly the greatest story in the world, very rushed, and has terrible grammar, but you've improved. ^^

Author's Response: thx for your review and i'll update my story so that its better spelling and grammer, I must admit, I do rush my stories I'll slow down next time.=)

Name: SonadowBaby (Signed) · Date: January 02, 2008 4:57 AM · For: Chapter 2-The stranger.
Aww. Sonic got hurt and I wanna know what's gonna happen! Please update soon!
P.S: I was also wondering if you could fix the way the writing is so that it's in paragraphs. It will make it easier to read.

Author's Response: ok, I'll have it updated by tonight.Thx for the review and I'll put the chapter into paragraphs.

Name: rawr (Signed) · Date: November 30, 2007 8:09 PM · For: Chapter 1
eep cliffhanger! twas a great story, loved how you put some of the classic characters in ^_^
can't wait for next chap :D

Author's Response: Thxxx!!!!!!!! more very soon!

Name: Kashito91 (Signed) · Date: November 30, 2007 1:40 AM · For: Chapter 1

Author's Response: Yep i'm doing more very soon!=) lol even I can't wait!

Name: Takashi the hedgehog (Signed) · Date: November 29, 2007 5:38 PM · For: Chapter 1
'OMG!!!' What? What the hell? And don't add your descriptions of a character into the beginning. Also, you do not use exclamation points in bulk. And about this being Sonic x, well, Sonic x isn't graced with the awesomeness of Sally. Anyways, your paragraphing was atrocious. This does not have correct punctuation and paragraphs, nor does it have correct tenses. Past tense is used in stories because it is much easier to understand. You know, since you're having so many issues, I am now volunteering to be your beta reader. Email me your story before you put it up and I'll correct it, if you want. That way, it could be correct. Only an offer. Ya don't need to take it, of course. ^^;
Current rating: 1/5 Thanks for making an effort. ^^

Author's Response: Yeah soz, i didn't think of sally being in sonic satAM and archie comics.Anyway,the next chaps get better i swear.thx 4 your advice though!=)

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