Tails rocks. I used to hack but now I lost my ability... And the last paragraph was funny. :D
Poor Shads. I feel that if I was in that world, I would get a revolver and kill every person actually laughing at Shads getting hurt. Thaking him and actually feeding him GOOD food, not hurting him, and keep him form G.U.N. This sad story reminds me of Gaz San's "A Single Tear". That was the first Sonadow fic. I ever truly cried for an hour at.
Poor Shads. *Cries Forever*
Wow. Good descriptive writing! :D
aw! really cute! I wish you could continue but.....this story hasnt been up for a while :-( oh well.....it's really cute tho! ^^
omg yur crazy XD.
o.o i see the sparkes flying already.
Wow! That's very interesting. Thanks for the update! Please update again soon!
Love the way Shadow is basically like a little child! great story please continue
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Sonadow Online