This was actually good! I liked it! I am glad that you finished it out!
I hope to see you come up with something else some time soon. Well Done! ^^
I would say that you accomplished a mission.
Great job.
What happened, where did you go, It has been so long since you posted the last chapter?
Author's Response: It was something called college and failing a class.
Wow, what a mind meal, first there was the anger of Sonic, then this new concept of Fire's Eye, then the Sally thing that shocked me, and finally the sex.i have a feeling that there will be more to the story...keep up the great-notgod-butgreat work :D
That was HOT! Easily one of the best lemons I have read. And I wonder what Sally's planning to do with that Daravest guy... Anyway, please continue this!
Author's Response: Thank you for the comment about how naughty I can go with a lemon. Second, this story will be continued.
Can you continue this, please? It very good and deserves more reviews!
Author's Response: I thank you for the comment, and yes, I will continue this story.
Keeps gettin better and better I'm really into it keep going! * gives you a giant cookie with milk "enjoy!" * ^_^
Author's Response: Yummy...
This is really interesting with sonic and strange new mood swings and his personality is starting to turn out like shadows and shadow dosent know what the hell is going on! ^^ Pls continue! *I got my eye on this story* ;-)
Love it Love it Love it your always coming up with good stories unlike me ( Too lazy to update) Sounds good next chapter you get a lonnnnngggg good review :)
Author's Response: I thank you knidly for the comment as to pertaining to this particular story. Glad you are enjoying the story.
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