Reviews For A Sexy Arrest

Name: Taranea (Signed) · Date: November 03, 2008 9:17 PM · For: A Sexy Arrest
Heh, very nice^^ Sonic's dialogue a bit too generic, perhaps, but I loved the ending. Plus, apart from "Effecting" instead of "Affecting (correct version)" nicely free of spelling/grammar/typo mistakes. Would like to see more of you!

Author's Response: Well thanks for your review (and error xD).

Name: Kailartemis (Signed) · Date: November 02, 2008 12:55 AM · For: A Sexy Arrest
Loved the ending! Uh I borrowed them...officers getting out of the shower, where are my clothes! This was rich and funny :)

Nice work mate!

Name: Iceprincess (Signed) · Date: November 02, 2008 12:07 AM · For: A Sexy Arrest
This is really sexy and funny too! your stories are awesome and I love the humor that you mix in with romance and hot stuff! lol I'm definatly adding you to my faves! ^^

Name: Keyring62 (Signed) · Date: November 01, 2008 1:25 PM · For: A Sexy Arrest
Ha! Sexy and funny at the same time. You have to be one of my favorite authors on this site. Very good.

Author's Response: Thank you. ~sniffs~ I've never been someone's favorite before.

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