Wow...ah. got me speechless, dude. A few spelling errors, buit other than that.
Something tells me this is going to be a wild ride guessing on where and how a romance builds up.
PLEASE don't abandon this fic!
Author's Response:DARN IT ALL! I spent like two hours trying to make sure I'd nabbed all the errors! Grrrrr...
If it helps, I'm from England and we spell certain words differently to Americans. Of course, that's no excuse if you're English as well.
Thanks for reviewing!
Hey, this is really good for a first story! I kinda get what you're trying to say with all the good/evil stuff... Our actions certainly do define us, hmm? You did have a few punctuation errors in places, but overall, this is brilliant. Do I see a SatBK crossover coming up? Please, do continue this!
Author's Response:Five stars?! You gave me five stars?! Thank you!! You're dead on, this will easily turn into a SatBK crossover, I'll start with the next chapter now. I'll have a look over for those errors you mentioned (damn I hate those).
might wanna make the paragraphs longer, but other than that, its pretty good so far
Author's Response:Hehe, yeah, that was something that had been bugging me while I was writing but I couldn't find any way around it, darn. Thanks for commenting,
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