Reviews For Genesis

Name: Sentzu (Signed) · Date: March 25, 2010 3:45 AM · For: A Delectable Dinner

Well, you might want to change the title. Other than that... IT'S ABOUT TIME, YOUNG MASTER LEMON! Nice lime, by the way, well done.

Author's Response: Eh... well... I have been contemplating on changing this story and it's entirety...

Name: chuckfx (Signed) · Date: February 20, 2010 2:43 PM · For: Atonement
update soon plz! =D

Author's Response: I'm trying, but it's being a pain in the ass. For some reason I just don't like where this is going to lead me. I have been desperately re-writing every chapter in case I want to drop this and well.... re-write it again.

I am not sure though... but I am out there and actively working on it. Rest assured there will be something eventually.

As Always, Much Appreciated ^_^

Name: Sentzu (Signed) · Date: January 04, 2010 3:31 AM · For: Atonement

This... is... curious. How you have pulled off the so-called Paradise City leaves me to wonder that there is no hidden bites. *glares* I sense darkness in the City of Paradise, and when it comes to stories, I am rarely wrong. Darkness lives in the heart of this city, something I have a feeling we shall discover during this 'Cleansing Ceremony'. Distrust all that is peacful, for the velvet glove hides a poison far more deadly than a snake bite.

Sentzu, Being of Darkness and Light.

Author's Response: Ah, well... it would all have to depend on how you see it. Personally I like what you have here as sort of an idea to which you may or may not be right, and I will not spoil anymore than I have to XD

We shall soon see what is going on here in the very near future.

As Always, Much Appreciated ^_^

Name: SoniKlos (Signed) · Date: December 31, 2009 8:11 PM · For: Atonement
This is awesome.
Oh no! I can't think of what else to say!
Great job! Keep it up!

Author's Response: Why thank you ^_^

Now I just have to write that lemon that you all are begging me for >.<

As Always, Much Appreciated ^_^

Name: Shadow (Signed) · Date: December 31, 2009 11:46 AM · For: Atonement
Wow, that was great! Want to see more!!!

Author's Response: Heh, I can imagine, and its because the next chapter is a lemon I bet.

As Always, Much Appreciated ^^

Name: Sonic the Hedgehog (Signed) · Date: December 30, 2009 5:32 PM · For: Atonement

Nice! I wonder what he will have Shadow and myself do when we get to this... this cleansing ceremony.

However, its about time you wrote another chapter in this.

Author's Response: Well... I went and spent Christmas with Yami while you were with Shadow. Anyway, I am glad that you like it and hope that I can come up with something more in the future, as I really want to re-write this story right now.

Name: SkyeRedknapp (Signed) · Date: October 21, 2009 1:06 PM · For: Prologue: Life as we know it...
Very good so far, the story is very well put together with quite a few clever hooks to get us all sucked in.
You write intimate scenes very well, and I really enjoyed the description of "one of those passionate kisses that you never hear about of". Very clever. Good job with the cliff hangers, Love 'em!
Just one minor bone to pick; There seem to be a couple of spelling errors in here, but nothing too major.
Keep going, i'm hooked in! :D

Author's Response: Well, in terms of my writing... I actually read alot of books that interest me.

Cliff hangers... well... every time I read a book, it always ends on a cliff hanger. It always makes me want to see more.

As for the spelling errors, yes I know there are some, and I may not be the best grammatically correct person in the world, but I do try and get it to the best of my abilities. As Always, Much Appreciated ^_^

Name: shadow666 (Signed) · Date: October 17, 2009 1:11 PM · For: Odd Beginnings

this story is still fanstatict i hope you continue soon

Author's Response: Trust me, I wouldn't dream of not finishing this.

Name: Shadow (Signed) · Date: October 15, 2009 9:40 AM · For: Odd Beginnings
Wow, this is really amazing! I love this one a lot.

Author's Response: Figured you might... but wait there is more to be had after this chapter.

As Always, Much Appreciated ^_^

Name: Illumini (Signed) · Date: October 15, 2009 1:44 AM · For: Odd Beginnings
Very nice addition... I feel you could have wrote more about their time in the wilderness, having them quantum leap to the Paradise City seems a little too convenient... But then again, it's you, you've always got something up your sleeve... Like a lemon...

Author's Response: Oh just you wait...

I have something else planned. hehe *ka-noodles fingers* Something else planned indeed.

As Always, Much Appreciated ^_^

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