Reviews For Advent of Equinox

Name: Kitty11Chan (Signed) · Date: October 10, 2012 4:39 AM · For: Chapter 9: Snowbound
So glad this got updated. Awww, Shadow's all worried about Sonic. Oooh, badniks! Possibly autonomous?

Name: Silverexorcist (Signed) · Date: October 09, 2012 3:11 PM · For: Chapter 9: Snowbound

OMG! You don't know how excited I was when I saw you guys updated! =3

I wonder how they'll get the emerald... It's not like they can jump into the water; it would kill them before they even got halfway... Please update soon! I truely thought this work of art was discontinued! I'm so happy it's not! :)

Name: Mystyc Cheez (Signed) · Date: June 23, 2011 7:34 PM · For: Creatures of Darkness, Creatures of Light
Awesome new chapter here! The cuteness of slight amounts of feelings being shown by Sonic and Shadow. And Shadow being rather sypathetic towards Sonic is sweet. :D
Gotta love those cliffhangers...

Name: Fade (Signed) · Date: June 23, 2011 5:30 PM · For: Creatures of Darkness, Creatures of Light

Another great chapter!  I'm really liking the slow build-up, as I usually do.  The dialogue is working really well, and I especially enjoyed the few moments with Shadow and Rouge.  I can't remember the last time I read something that covered a possible history for Rouge, much less one so emotionally charged.  It really hit home.

One tiny, nitpicky thing; Tails says the Emerald is in the north, but later Shadow talks about going to Antarctica.  Is he being sarcastic?  I couldn't tell.  ^^;

Name: Mystyc Cheez (Signed) · Date: May 28, 2011 9:44 PM · For: Between A Rock and A Hard Place
When will this be updated?

Name: Larka (Signed) · Date: February 21, 2011 3:32 PM · For: Between A Rock and A Hard Place

This story is so, so, so intriguing! I hope you two are able to get together again and update soon (: I don't know what's better, the subtle Sonadow or all of game-like action and adventure =D and of course Sonic and Shadow's banter back and forth is still great.

Name: Shadow (Signed) · Date: December 19, 2010 9:13 AM · For: Between A Rock and A Hard Place
Well, I only been able to skim over this cause I have to go inna bit, so I can't give a proper review, but I do wanna say I grinned at a few passages, including that of the mentioin of Dr. Who and Daleks that the doc was watching. That's hilarious. I'll come back sometime next week and review properly.

Name: Fade (Signed) · Date: December 18, 2010 5:39 PM · For: Between A Rock and A Hard Place

Another chapter so quickly!  I'm so impressed!  *Obviously doesn't update this fast*

Gratuitous fanservice in the first part was hilarious; I couldn't help but laugh at Shadow's view.

I also really appreciate the humour you've put in here.  Having Eggman lying around in his own personal movie theatre, watching Dr. Who of all things...  And the popcorn-bot!  And Sonic stealing some of it!  XD

And the ending has me very eager to find out what will happen next.  Shadow's quick recovery makes me suspicious, as does the sudden appearance of that gun.  Hmmm...

Keep up the great work!  :D

Name: ShotsOfSunshine (Signed) · Date: December 07, 2010 12:55 AM · For: Chapter 6 - Fly in the Freedom

I think the funniest part of this chapter was when Shadow did the talon-chaos spear. Sonic's "Cool." Coupled with Shadow's rather nonchalant attitude about the whole thing simply made me die laughing for some reason.

"Oh, I cut that thing in half without barely touching it? Whatever."

It kind of reminded me of the NC's explosion cliche'. 'I know there's an explosion behind me, but I'm so bad ass it just doesn't affect me any more.'

I loved the hints of Sonadow in the story, of course I'm horribly biased as a Sonadow fanatic. I really can't see much more beyond 'Omg they touched hands 8D!' What can I say -- I'm easily pleased.

I'm sure I'm not the only one who thought the sun was going to set while Shadow was carrying Sonic. I wouldn't be surprised if that happens at least once in the story. Or even vice versa, they're falling from a great height, the sun rises and Shadow saves them. Something like that, I wouldn't really know though. After all, I don't have a peek into either of your minds.

I mentioned this in a different review to Taraena, but I think there were spelling errors in here. I'm not entirely certain if it's this one or a different story altogether to be honest since I'm playing story-catch up thanks to finals.

One thing I do notice though, is the end of this chapter falls a bit flat. It seems like it could have gone on longer or ended in a more definite way. This ending feels a little hurried and rush, not at all like a solid conclusion I'm used to reading from either of you.

...Or maybe I'm so used to cliff-hangers, I feel like I'm left hanging in the wind in the absence of them. I don't know! D8

Anyway, great job regardless! I'll cease my rambling post-haste.

Name: ScorchEverlong (Signed) · Date: December 06, 2010 5:19 PM · For: Chapter 6 - Fly in the Freedom
No matter how hard I try, it's impossible not to split into a eye-touching grin while reading this.
Flying lessons were hysterical, to say the least, and I had to pause a few times to get to my senses. If I hadn't, much cheeks would hurt from smiling too much.
The hints of intimacy are quite pleasant and the steady approach of more of these moments make me wait in anticipation. Reading all of this is always enjoyable. The personalities are portrayed quite nicely. It's nice to think that Sonic may have a more darker side of him due to past adventures, giving some depth to his attitude.
I could go on, but that'll have to wait. I'll begin to ramble and that may take up a few pages. XD
I cannot wait for the next chapter and thank the both of you for working so hard on this. :)

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