Reviews For Advent of Equinox

Name: Fade (Signed) · Date: December 05, 2010 6:18 PM · For: Chapter 6 - Fly in the Freedom

Woo, great as usual, you two!  :D

I was worried that the sun might set while Shadow was carrying Sonic at the end, but thankfully that didn't happen.

The way you've written Rouge is really great; she's smart and sassy, and her friendship with Shadow really shows through.  (As well as Sonic's jealousy, muwahahaha!)

I can't believe I didn't have this thing in my favourites already.  I need immediate update notification!  D:

Name: ShotsOfSunshine (Signed) · Date: September 21, 2010 9:34 PM · For: All the Strange, Strange Creatures, Part 2

Haha, admittedly I read this chapter a few days ago but my internet has been stupid so I hadn't remembered to review until now. So that is why I'm jumping on this so late.

The story is great. It's been engaging so far, but my only complaint would be that it's lacking in pace thus far. The most build up happened while we were waiting for Sonic to transform, and with Shadow's MIA clone. It all seemed like necessary build up. Entertaining and amusing build up. I think that's the only thing that has caught my eye, and it isn't exactly a problem :D

I love the story, and especially all the bird humor. XD Lawlz, I feel a little sorry for Shadow though. He's got to have it rough, he need to relearn how to be a BAMF

Name: ShotsOfSunshine (Signed) · Date: September 21, 2010 9:24 PM · For: All the Strange, Strange Creatures, Part 1

Amazing that this chapter is so long it needs to be split into two parts, but what can be said about this? Great chapters require great writing and this was fantastic.

I'm glad that Knuckles seems to have some clue what's going on. I wish he'd share with the rest of the class though >8C

The humor as usual is spot on. Really I can expect nothing less from either of you, and there is a lovely balance between horror and comedy that keeps my interest. Off to part two!

Name: Mystyc Cheez (Signed) · Date: September 20, 2010 6:39 PM · For: All the Strange, Strange Creatures, Part 2
Wow, I feel as if I am inside the story, it is remarkable that you have written such a wonderful story. Well done.

Name: Shadow (Signed) · Date: September 19, 2010 10:33 AM · For: All the Strange, Strange Creatures, Part 2
Excellent!!!! This is so good!

Name: ShotsOfSunshine (Signed) · Date: July 28, 2010 2:19 AM · For: When Darkness Falls

So much awesome was crammed into this chapter, it was unbelievable. I was just dying to see Sonic transform. I kept my fingers crossed, but hey... At least Shadow got a bishie wind, while Sonic gets... uh. :D Exploding fur! No, dark smoke is really cool too.

I'm glad you guys updated this. It was really nice to read. I'm mean it's like 5am over here and I'm totally babbling because I can't string a sentence together, but it really was fantastic. You two work so well together, it's fantastic.

You both have a mastery of words that make it difficult for me to tell who is writing what. I mean, honestly, I wish I could tell you two apart but I can't. Your two talents are completely impressive, and shake the sonadow world to its core. Great job.

Name: LadyDusk-Raku- (Signed) · Date: July 03, 2010 5:23 AM · For: Chapter 2 - Hitting the Sky
I took my time because I didn't want to finish this so soon XD It's too brilliant funny. Sonic is killing me with his antics, and Shadow having to deal with something thats thrown him out of his element is awesome to see.

^-^ Great update, because holy SHIT o_O Even I'm looking at Shadow warily because of that ending. I almost expected Tails to be so thrown he'd slip and go 'who the HELL is this?' XD I know I would.

Author's Response: No worries, there's plenty more where that came from. ;) Seeing one of your friends suddenly walking around with wings - I'm guessing *my* first reaction would be to go 'Holy shit, did you DIE?!' XD

Name: Shadow (Signed) · Date: June 18, 2010 6:50 PM · For: Chapter 2 - Hitting the Sky wow...this is another amazing chapter. Great job, guys!

Author's Response: Thanks! :D

Name: ShotsOfSunshine (Signed) · Date: June 18, 2010 6:30 PM · For: Chapter 2 - Hitting the Sky

It's... Captain Bedsheet! ((is shot)) Okay, maybe not. But I'm certainly curious. Holy plot twist Captain Mobius! What're they gonna do?!

You two work brilliantly together. Honestly the entire story seems semless and beautifully done. I really can't wait until the night falls and we see the Werehog again. Will Sonic have a random doppleganger running around as well? I suppose I'm going to find out.

This is an interesting story, I'm looking forward to reading more of what you two can dish out. :) Great story.

Author's Response: We often have looooong discussions and frequent back-and-forth-ing of a chappie. :P But it's worth it to get such a nice review from you.^^ Glad you like it! We try our best :)

Name: shadight (Signed) · Date: June 18, 2010 5:13 PM · For: Chapter 2 - Hitting the Sky was an awesome read. This really made my day. You're writing style and puns is amazing. ESPECIALLY the Captain Mobious part XD

Author's Response: We like our puns. Honestly, we do. XD

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